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商品详细Molecular Dimensions/MemGold™ Green Screen/MD1-57
Molecular Dimensions/MemGold™ Green Screen/MD1-57
Molecular Dimensions/MemGold™ Green Screen/MD1-57
商品编号: MD1-57
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 其他试剂
公司分类: Other_reagents
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
MemGold™ is based on crystallization conditions data mined from the Protein Data Bank and contains 96 conditions covering a range of pH, PEGs and salt additives. A targeted sparse matrix kit of 96 x 10 mL conditionsAddresses the diversity of membrane proteins studied, bothalpha- and beta- types.Green Screens contain a non-covalent fluorescent dye which conveys fluorescence on most proteins when illuminated with UV light. This not only increases the signal to noise ratio (important for very small crystals), but also allows the identification of protein crystals lacking intrinsic fluorescence that would otherwise remain ambiguous.
Molecular Dimensions 来自 digital.library.unt.edu   喜欢 0 阅读量: 1 作者: Moss, H. H 摘要: This study attempts to calculate the areas of the cross section and diameter of the CH3 group, COOH group, the length of the carbon chain, and the longtiudinal distance between carbon atoms for each of the three acids. It also attempts to develop a method of measuring the effective diameter of molecules of gases. Equations for these terms as given by MacDougall and experiments were performed and the data applied to the equation. 关键词: carbon chain carbon atoms diameter of molecules of gases
QQ :1570468124